Product Summary
The AM29LV640DU-90RPCI is a 64 Mbit, 3.0 Volt (3.0 V to 3.6 V) single power supply flash memory device organized as 4,194,304 words. The AM29LV640DU-90RPCI is designed to be programmed in-system with the standard system 3.0 volt VCC supply. A 12.0 volt VPP is not required for program or erase operations. The AM29LV640DU-90RPCI can also be programmed in standard EPROM programmers. The device requires only a single 3.0 Volt power supply (3.0 V to 3.6 V) for both read and write functions. Internally generated and regulated voltages are provided for the program and erase operations.
AM29LV640DU-90RPCI absolute maximum ratings: (1)Storage Temperature Plastic Packages: –65 to +150℃; (2)Ambient Temperature with Power Applied: –65 to +125℃; (3)Voltage with Respect to Ground VCC: –0.5 V to +4.0 V; VIO: –0.5 V to +5.5 V; A9, OE, ACC, and RESET: –0.5 V to +12.5 V; All other pins: –0.5 V to VCC +0.5 V; (4)Output Short Circuit Current: 200 mA.
AM29LV640DU-90RPCI features: (1)128-word sector for permanent, secure identification through an 8-word random Electronic Serial Number; (2)May be programmed and locked at the factory or by the customer; (3)Accessible through a command sequence; (4)A hardware method to lock a sector to prevent program or erase operations within that sector; (5)Sectors can be locked in-system or via programming equipment; (6)Temporary Sector Unprotect feature allows code changes in previously locked sectors; (7)Suspends an erase operation to read data from, or program data to, a sect27; (8)or that is not being erased, then resumes the erase operation.