Product Summary

The GE28F320W18BC60 Wireless Flash Memory (W18) device with flexible multi-partition dual operation, provides high-performance asynchronous and synchronous burst reads. The GE28F320W18BC60 is an ideal memory for low-voltage burst CPUs. Combining high read performance with flash memorys intrinsic nonvolatility, the GE28F320W18BC60 eliminates the traditional system-performance paradigm of shadowing redundant code memory from slow nonvolatile storage to faster execution memory. It reduces the total memory requirement that increases reliability and reduces overall system power consumption and cost.


GE28F320W18BC60 absolute maximum ratings: (1)TA Operating Temperature: –40 to 85 °C; (2)VCC VCC Supply Voltage: 1.7 to 1.95 V; (3)VCCQ I/O Supply Voltage: 1.7 to 2.24; (4)I/O Supply Voltage (Extended): 1.35 to 1.8; (5)VPP1 VPP Voltage Supply (Logic Level): 0.90 to 1.95; (6)VPP2 Factory Programming VPP: 11.4 to 12.6; (7)tPPH Maximum VPP Hours VPP = 12 V: 80 Hours.


GE28F320W18BC60 features: (1)Asymmetrically-blocked architecture; (2)Multiple 8-Mbit partitions: 64-Mbit and 128- Mbit devices Multiple 16-Mbit partitions: 256-Mbit devices; (3)Four 16-Kword parameter blocks: top or bottom configurations 4-, 8-, 16-, and continuous-word burst mode; (4)Burst suspend; (5)Programmable WAIT configuration.


GE28F320W30TD60 block diagram