Product Summary

The IR4435TR is a low voltage, high speed power MOSFET and IGBT driver.Proprietary latch immune CMOS technologies of the enable ruggedized monolithic construction. Logic inputs of the IR4435TR is compatible with standard CMOS or LSTTL outputs. The IR4435TR features a highpulse current buffer stage designed for minimum driver cross-conduction.


IR4435TR absolute maximum ratings: (1) Fixed supply voltage Vs: -0.3V to 25V; (2) Output voltage VO: -0.3V to Vs +0.3V; (3) Logic input voltage VIN: -0.3 to VS+ 0.3V; (4) Package power dissipation @TA≤+25°C: 1.0W; (5) Thermal resistance, junction to ambient RthJA: 125°C/W; (6) Junction temperature Tj: 150°C; (7) Storage temperature Ts: -55 to 150°C; (8) Lead temperature (soldering, 10 seconds) TL: 300°C.


IR4435TR features: (1) Gate drive supply range from 6 to 20V; (2) MOS Schmitt-triggered inputs; (3) Matched propagation delay for both channels; (4) Outputs out of phase with inputs; (5) OutputA out of phase with inputA ; (6) Also available LEAD-FREE.


IR4435TR pin connection