Product Summary
The PH28F128W30BD60 StrataFlash wireless memory (L18) device is the latest generation of Intel StrataFlash memory devices featuring flexible, multiple-partition, dual operation. The PH28F128W30BD60 provides high performance synchronous-burst read mode and asynchronous read mode using 1.8 V lowvoltage, multi-level cell (MLC) technology. The multiple-partition architecture enables background programming or erasing to occur in one partition while code execution or data reads take place in another partition. This dual-operation architecture also allows a system to interleave code operations while program and erase operations take place in the background.
PH28F128W30BD60 absolute maximum ratings: (1)Temperature under bias: –25 °C to +85 °C; (2)Storage temperature: –65 °C to +125 °C; (3)Voltage on any signal (except VCC, VPP): –0.5 V to +2.5 V 1; (4)VPP voltage: –0.2 V to +10 V; (5)VCC voltage: –0.2 V to +2.5 V; (6)VCCQ voltage: –0.2 V to +2.5 V; (7)Output short circuit current: 100 mA.
PH28F128W30BD60 features: (1)Asymmetrically-blocked architecture; (2)Multiple 8-Mbit partitions: 64-Mbit and 128- Mbit devices Multiple 16-Mbit partitions: 256-Mbit devices; (3)Four 16-Kword parameter blocks: top or bottom configurations 4-, 8-, 16-, and continuous-word burst mode; (4)Burst suspend; (5)Programmable WAIT configuration.