Product Summary

The XPC860DCZP50C1R2 Quad Integrated Communications Controller (PowerQUICC) is a versatile one-chip integrated microprocessor and peripheral combination designed for a variety of controller applications. It particularly excels in both communications and networking systems. The PowerQUICC unit is referred to as the MPC860 in this manual.


XPC860DCZP50C1R2 absolute maximum ratings: (1)Supply Voltage: –0.3 to 4.0 V; (2)Input Voltage: GND-0.3 to VDDH; (3)Temperature: 0 ℃; (4)Storage Temperature Range: –55 to 150 ℃.


XPC860DCZP50C1R2 features: (1)Embedded single-issue, 32-bit MPC8xx core (implementing the PowerPC architecture) with thirty-two 32-bit general-purpose registers (GPRs); (2)Up to 32-bit data bus (dynamic bus sizing for 8, 16, and 32 bits); (3)32 address lines; (4)Operates at up to 80 MHz; (5)Memory controller (eight banks).


XPC860DCZP50C1R2 pin connection