Product Summary

The A1460A-3PQ208C FPGA offers a variety of packages, speed/performance characteristics, and processing levels for use in all high reliability and military applications. The A1460A-3PQ208C is implemented in a silicon gate, two-level metal CMOS process, utilizing Actels PLICE antifuse technology. This unique architecture offers gate array flexibility, high performance, and quick turnaround through user programming. The A1460A-3PQ208C utilization is typically 95 percent of available logic modules. All Actel devices include on-chip clock drivers and a hard-wired distribution network.


A1460A-3PQ208C absolute maximum ratings: (1)VCC DC Supply Voltage: -0.5 to +7.0 V; (2)VI Input Voltage: -0.5 to VCC +0.5 V; (3)VO Output Voltage: -0.5 to VCC +0.5 V; (4)IIO I/O Source Sink Current5: 20 mA; (5)TSTG Storage Temperature: -65 to +150 °C.


A1460A-3PQ208C features: (1)Highly Predictable Performance with 100% Automatic Placement and Routing; (2)Device Sizes from 1,200 to 20,000 Gates; (3)Up to 6 Fast, Low-Skew Clock Networks; (4)Up to 202 User-Programmable I/O Pins; (5)More Than 500 Macro Functions; (6)Up to 1,276 Dedicated Flip-Flops; (7)I/O Drive to 10 mA; (8)Devices Available to DSCC SMD; (9)CQFP and CPGA Packaging; (10)Nonvolatile, User Programmable; (11)Logic Fully Tested Prior to Shipment; (12)100% Military Temperature Tested (–55°C to +125°C); (13)QML Certified Devices; (14)Proven Reliability Data Available; (15)Successful Military/Avionics Supplier for Over 10 Years.


A1460A-3PQ208C pin connection