Product Summary
The AD846SQ is a second generation DMT ADSL chipset. It adds trellis coding, ATM (UTOPIA 2) interface, and new framing modes for improved long reach performance. Flexible bin assignment allows free movement of frequency division for different applications, such as ADSL over ISDN (per ETSI TM6 recommendations), and non-standard modes like enhanced upstream or symmetric service. Also it can be used for CO (central office) and RT (remote terminal) applications.
AD846SQ absolute maximum ratings: (1)Absolute Maximum Data Rates Downstream: 12 Mbps; (2)Absolute Maximum Data Rates Duplex: 1 Mbps; (3)Serial Mode Jitter: 28 ns; (4)ADSL Overhead, Normal Framing Mode Downstream: 192 kbps; (5)Max Symbols/Bin: 16 bit; (6)Bin Width: 4.3125 kHz; (7)Latency: Fast Channel: <2 ms.
AD846SQ features: (1)Complete chipset for DMT based; (2)Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Loop (ADSL); (3)Designed to ANSI T1.413 Issue 2, ETSI TR238, and; (4)ITU G.dmt and G.lite standards; (5)Performance of >11Mbps or reach of >20,000 ft; (6)Trellis code; (7)Flexible bin assignment: supports ADSL over ISDN (as per; (8)ETSI TM6 and ITU Annex B), enhanced upstream or; (9)symmetric rates; (10)Normal and reduced overhead framing modes; (11)ATM (UTOPIA 1 and 2) and STM interfaces; (12)Complete software control protocol stack/API; (13)Complete data-pump in five compact ICs; (14)Power 2.3 W (excluding driver and signal); (15)CO: 3.9 W including AD8016 line driver; (16)RT: 2.8 W including AD8017 driver.