Product Summary
The AM29LV128ML-123REI is a 128 Mbit, 3.0 volt single power supply flash memory devices organized as 8,388,608 words or 16,777,216 bytes. The AM29LV128ML-123REI has a 16-bit wide data bus that can also function as an 8-bit wide data bus by using the BYTE# input. The AM29LV128ML-123REI can be programmed either in the host system or in standard EPROM programmers. The AM29LV128ML-123REI requires only a single 3.0 volt power supply for both read and write functions. In addition to a VCC input, a high-voltage accelerated program (WP#/ACC) input provides shorter programming times through increased current. This feature is intended to facilitate factory throughput during system production, but may also be used in the field if desired.
AM29LV128ML-123REI absolute maximum ratings: (1)Plastic Packages: –65℃ to +150℃; (2)Ambient Temperature with Power Applied: –65℃ to +125℃; (3)Voltage with Respect to Ground; (4)VCC: –0.5 V to +4.0 V; (5)VIO: –0.5 V to +4.0 V; (6)All other pins: –0.5 V to VCC +0.5 V; (7)Output Short Circuit Current : 200 mA.
AM29LV128ML-123REI features: (1)Single power supply operation; (2)VersatileI/O control; (3)Manufactured on 0.23 μm MirrorBit process technology; (4)Secured Silicon Sector region; (5)Flexible sector architecture; (6)Compatibility with JEDEC standards; (7)Minimum 100,000 erase cycle guarantee per sector; (8)20-year data retention at 125℃; (9)High performance.