Product Summary

The AS6WA25616-TI is a low-power CMOS 4,194,304-bit Static Random Access Memory (SRAM). It is organized as 262,144 words × 16 bits. It is designed for memory applications where slow data access, low power, and simple interfacing are desired. Equal address access and cycle times (tAA, tRC, tWC) of 55 ns are ideal for low-power applications. Active high and low chip selects (CS) permit easy memory expansion with multiple-bank memory systems.


AS6WA25616-TI absolute maximum ratings: (1)Voltage on VCC relative to Vss VIN, VOUT: -0.5V to VCC+0.5V; (2)Voltage on any I/O pin relative to GND VtI/O: -0.5V; (3)Storage temperature TSTG: -65℃ to +150℃; (4)Temperature with VCC applied Tbias: -55℃ to +125℃; (5)Power dissipation PD: 1W; (6)DC output current (low) IOUT: 20mA.


AS6WA25616-TI features: (1)Industrial and commercial temperature ranges available ; (2)Organization: 262,144 words × 16 bits; (3)3.0V to 3.6V at 55ns; (4)Low power consumption: ACTIVE: 144 mW at 3.6V and 55ns; (5)Low power consumption: STANDBY: 72 μW max at 3.6V; (6)1.2V data retention; (7)Equal access and cycle times; (8)ESD protection ≥ 2000 volts; (9)Latch-up current ≥ 200mA.


AS6WA25616-TI pin connection