Product Summary

The CE-161 is a Crystal Oscillator (XO). It is quartz stabilized square wave generator with a LV-PECL output, operating off a 3.3 volt supply. The VCC6 uses 3rd overtone crystals for frequencies under 200MHz, resulting in low jitter performance, typically 0.3pS rms in the 12 kHz to 20MHz band. It is ideal for: (1)SONET/SDH/DWDM; (2)Fiber Channel; (3)Ethernet, Gigabit Ethernet; (4)Storage Area Network; (5)Digital Video; (6)Broadband Access.


CE-161 absolute maximum ratings: (1)Power Supply VDD: -0.5 to +7.0 Vdc; (2)Enable/Disable VIN: -0.5 to VDD+0.5 Vdc; (3)Storage Temperature Tstorage: -55/125 °C.


CE-161 features: (1)2.5 or 3.3V LVPECL; (2)3rd Overtone Crystal for best jitter performance; (3)Output frequencies to 270 MHz; (4)Low Jitter < 1 pS rms, 12kHz to 20MHz; (5)Enable/Disable for test and board debug; (6)-10/70 or –40/85 °C operating temperature; (7)Hermetically sealed ceramic SMD package; (8)Product is compliant to RoHS directive.


CE-161 pin connection