Product Summary

The CS4328-KS is an 18-Bit, Stereo D/A Converter for Digital Audio. In addition to the traditional D/A function, the CS4328-KS includes an 8* digital interpolation filter forllowed by a 64* oversampled delta-sigma modulator. The CS4328-KS also includes an extremely flexible serial port utilizing two select pins to support four different interface modes.


CS4328-KS absolute maximum ratings: (1)DC Power Supplies: Positive Digital: VD+: -0.3 to 6.0 V, Positive Analog: VA+: -0.3 to 6.0 V, Negative Analog: VA: 0.3 to -6.0 V, |VA+ - VD+|: 0.4 V; (2)Input Current, Any Pin Except Supplies: Iin : ±10 mA; (3)Digital Input Voltage: VIND: -0.3 to (VD+)+0.4 V; (4)Ambient Operating Temperature (power applied): TA: -55 to 125 °C; (5)Storage Temperature: Tstg: -65 to 150 °C.


CS4328-KS features: (1)Complete Stereo DAC System; (2)8× Interpolation Filter; (3)64× Delta-Sigma DAC; (4)Analog Post Filter; (5)Adjustable System Sampling Rates including 32kHz, 44.1kHz & 48kHz; (6)120 dB Signal-to-Noise Ratio; (7)Low Clock Jitter Sensitivity; (8)Completely Filtered Line-Level Outputs Linear Phase Filtering, Zero Phase Error Between Channels, No External Components Needed; (9)Flexible Serial Interface for Either 16 or 18 bit Input Data.


CS4328-KS block diagram