Product Summary

The CS493253-CLR is a family of multichannel audio decoders intended to supersede the CS493253-CLR family as the leader of audio decoding in both the DVD, broadcast and receiver markets. The family will be split into parts tailored for each of these distinct market segments.


CS493253-CLR absolute maximum ratings: (1)DC power supplies: Positive digital: –0.3 to 2.75 V; (2)DC power supplies: Positive analog: –0.3 to 2.75 V; (3)Input current, any pin except supplies: ±10 mA; (4)Digital input voltage: –0.3 to 3.63 V; (5)Storage temperature–65 to 150 °C.


CS493253-CLR features: (1)DVD Audio Pack Layer Support; (2)Meridian Lossless Packing Specification (MLP); (3)Dolby Digital, Dolby Pro Logic II; (4)MPEG-2, Advanced Audio Coding Algorithm (AAC); (5)MPEG Multichannel; (6)DTS Digital Surround, DTS-ES Extended Surround; (7)PES Layer decode for A/V sync; (8)Dolby Digital; (9)MPEG-2, Advanced Audio Coding Algorithm (AAC); (10)MPEG-1 (Layers 1, 2, 3)Stereo; (11)MPEG-2 (Layers 2, 3)Stereo.


CS493253-CLR pin connection