Product Summary

The CX20437-31 is a smart HSF mobile modem, 14.4 kbps, 20 mA, 2500 VDC,


CX20437-31 absolute maximum ratings: (1)Supply Voltage: +3.0 to +3.6 VDC; (2)Operating Temperature Range: 0 to +70 °C; (3)DC Input Clamp Current: ±20 mA; (4)DC Output Clamp Current: ±20 mA; (5)Static Discharge Voltage (25°C): ±2500 VDC; (6)Latch-up Current (25°C): ±400 mA.


CX20437-31 features: (1)V.17 fax modem with send and receive rates up to 14.4 kbps; (2)V.80 synchronous access mode supports host-controlled communication protocols with H.324 interface support; (3)V.8/V.8bis and V.251 commands; (4)Cellular data hardware interface and software support (C models); (5)Data/Fax/Voice call discrimination; (6)Host software/MMX-based digital signal processing; (7)Single configuration profile stored in host; (8)Operates in U.S./Japan/Canada; (9)Worldwide operation including U.S./Japan/Canada (W models).


CX20437-31 pin connection