Product Summary

The IRFB4710S is a HEXFET Power MOSFET. The applications of the IRFB4710S include High frequency DC-DC converters, Motor Control, Uninterrutible Power Supplies, Lead-Free.


IRFB4710S absolute maximum ratings: (1)ID @ Tc = 25℃ Continuous Drain Current, Vqs @ 10V: 75 A; (2)ID @ Tc = 100℃ Continuous Drain Current, Vqs @ 10V: 53 A; (3)Pulsed Drain Current, Idm: 300 A; (4)PD @ TA = 25℃ Power Dissipation: 3.8 W; (5)PD @ TC = 25℃ Power Dissipation: 200 W; (6)Linear Derating Factor: 1.4 W/℃; (7)Gate-to-Source Voltage, VGS: ±20 V; (8)Peak Diode Recovery dv/dt, dv/dt: 8.2 V/ns; (9)Operating Junction and Storage Temperature Range, Tj, TSTG: -55 to + 175℃; (10)Soldering Temperature, for 10 seconds: 300 (1.6mm from case )℃; (11)Mounting torque, 6-32 or M3 screw: 10 lbf-in (1.1 N-m).


IRFB4710S features: (1)Low Gate-to-Drain Charge to Reduce Switching Losses; (2)Fully Characterized Capacitance Including Effective COSS to Simplify Design, (See App. Note AN1001); (3)Fully Characterized Avalanche Voltage and Current.


IRFB4710S circuit diagram