Product Summary

The LT1735 is a single power supply tracking controller. The device operates directly with two DC222 buck outputs.


LT1735 absolute maximum ratings: (1)Input Supply Voltage Range: 2.6 to 5.5 V; (2)Supply Undervoltage Lockout:2.2 to 2.7 V; (3)Supply Undervoltage Lockout Hysteresis: 25 mV; (4)ON Pin Threshold Voltage: 1.210 to 1.250 V; (5)ON Pin Hysteresis: 30 to 150 mV; (6)TRACK Pin Voltage: 0.77 to 0.82 V; (7)FB Pin Clamp Voltage: 1.5 to 2.3 V.


LT1735 features: (1)400MHz Bandwidth on ±5V (AV = 1); (2)350MHz Bandwidth on ±5V (AV = 2, –1); (3)0.1dB Gain Flatness: 100MHz (AV = 1, 2 and –1); (4)High Slew Rate: 800V/ms; (5)Wide Supply Range: ±2V(4V) to ±6V(12V); (6)80mA Output Current; (7)Low Supply Current: 4.6mA/Amplifier.


LT1735 block diagram