Product Summary

The RD28F3204C3T70 is an advanced+ boot-block flash-memory. This device incorporates flash memory and static RAM in one package with low voltage capability to achieve the smallest system memory solution form-factor together with high-speed, low-power operations.


RD28F3204C3T70 absolute maximum ratings: (1)Extended Operating Temperature: –25 °C to +85 °C; (2)Storage Temperature:–65 °C to +125 °C; (3)Voltage on Any Pin (except VCC, VCCQ, VPP):–0.5 V to +3.3 V; (4)VPP Voltage (for Block Erase and Program) with Respect to GND:–0.5 V to +13.5 V; (5)VCC and VCCQ Voltage:–0.2 V to +3.3 V; (6)Output Short Circuit Current: 100 mA; (7)Power dissipation (DC): 3.6 W; (8)Current through input pin (DC): +/-2.0 mA.


RD28F3204C3T100 features: (1)70ns Access Time at 2.7V; (2)Instant,Individual Block Locking; (3)128 bit Protection Register; (4)12V Production Programming; (5)Ultra Fast Program and Erase Suspend; (6)Extended Temperature –25°C to +85 °C; (7)Reduces Memory Board Space Required, Simplifying PCB Design Complexity; (8)Block Sizes for Code+ Data Storage; (9)4-Kword Parameter Blocks (for data); (10)64-Kbyte Main Blocks (for code); (11)100,000& Erase Cycles per Block; (12)Async Read Current: 9mA (Flash); (13)Standby Current: 7μA (Flash); (14)Automatic Power Saving Mode.


RD28F3204C3T100 block diagram