Product Summary

The SN74ALVC1G00DY is a triple 3-input positive-nand gate. It performs the Boolean function Y = A • B.C or Y = A + B + C in positive logic. And this device is characterized for operation from –40°C to 85°C.


SN74ALVC1G00DY absolute maximum ratings: (1)Supply voltage range, VCC: –0.5 V to 4.6 V; (2)Input clamp current, IIK: -50 mA; (3)Output clamp current, IOK: -50 mA; (4)Continuous output current, IO: ±50 mA; (5)Continuous current through VCC or GND: ±100 mA; (6)Package thermal impedance: 127°C/W; (7)Storage temperature range: -65°C to 150°C.


SN74ALVC1G00DY features: (1)Wide Operating Voltage Range of 2 V to 6 V; (2)Outputs Can Drive Up To 10 LSTTL Loads; (3)Low Power Consumption, 20-μA Max ICC; (4)Typical tpd = 14 ns; (5)±4-mA Output Drive at 5 V; (6)Low Input Current of 1 μA Max; (7)Operation From Very Slow Input Transitions; (8)Temperature-Compensated Threshold Levels; (9)High Noise Immunity; (10)Same Pinouts as HC00.


SN74ALVC1G00DY pin connection