Product Summary
The AD1847JP SoundPort Stereo Codec integrates key audio data conversion and control functions into a single integrated circuit. The AD1847JP is intended to provide a complete, low cost, single-chip solution for business, game audio and multimedia applications requiring operation from a single +5 V supply. It provides a serial interface for implementation on a computer motherboard, add-in or PCMCIA card. See Figure 1 for an example system diagram. External circuit requirements are limited to a minimal number of low cost support components. Anti-imaging DAC output filters are incorporated on-chip. Dynamic range exceeds 70 dB over the 20 kHz audio band. Sample rates from 5.5 kHz to 48 kHz are supported from external crystals. The pair of 16-bit outputs from the ADCs is available over a serial interface that also supports 16-bit digital input to the DACs and control/status information. The AD1847JP can accept and generate 16-bit twos-complement PCM linear digital data, 8-bit unsigned magnitude PCM linear data, and 8-bit m-law or A-law companded digital data.
AD1847JP absolute maximum ratings: (1)Power Supplies, Digital (VDD): –0.3 to 6.0 V; Analog (VCC): –0.3 to 6.0 V; (2)Input Current (Except Supply Pins): ±10.0 mA; (3)Analog Input Voltage (Signal Pins): –0.3 to (VA+) + 0.3 V; (4)Digital Input Voltage (Signal Pins): –0.3 to (VD+) + 0.3 V; (5)Ambient Temperature (Operating): 0 to +70℃; (6)Storage Temperature: –65 to +150℃.
AD1847JP features: (1)Supports the Microsoft Windows Sound System; (2)Multiple Channels of Stereo Input; (3)Analog and Digital Signal Mixing; (4)Programmable Gain and Attenuation; (5)Sample Rates from 5.5 kHz to 48 kHz; (6)44-Lead PLCC and TQFP Packages; (7)Operation from +5 V Supplies; (8)Serial Digital Interface Compatible with ADSP-21xx Fixed-Point DSP.