Product Summary
The AK4397EQ is a high performance premium 32bit DAC for the 192kHz sampling mode of DVD-Audio including a 32bit digital filter. Using AKM’s multi bit architecture for its modulator the AK4397EQ delivers a wide dynamic range while preserving linearity for improved THD+N performance. The AK4397EQ has full differential SCF outputs, removing the need for AC coupling capacitors and increasing performance for systems with excessive clock jitter.
AK4397EQ absolute maximum ratings: (1)Power Supplies: -0.3 to 6.0V; (2)Input Current, Any pin Except Supplies IIN: ±10 mA; (3)Digital Input Voltage VIND: -0.3 to DVDD+0.3 V; (4)Ambient Temperature (Power applied)Ta: -10 to 70 °C; (5)Storage Temperature Tstg: -65 to 150 °C.
AK4397EQ features: (1)128x Over sampling; (2)Sampling Rate: 30kHz to 216kHz; (3)32Bit 8x Digital Filter (Slow-roll-off option)Ripple: ±0.005dB, Attenuation: 75dB; (4)High Tolerance to Clock Jitter; (5)Low Distortion Differential Output; (6)DSD data input available; (7)Digital De-emphasis for 32, 44.1, 48kHz sampling; (8)Soft Mute; (9)Digital Attenuator (Linear 256 steps); (10)THD+N: -103dB; (11)DR, S/N: 120dB.