Product Summary
The AS7C256-20JC is a high performance CMOS 262,144-bit Static Random Access Memory (SRAM). The device is organized as 62,144 words × 16 bits. It is designed for memory applications where fast data access, low power, including PentiumTM, PowerPCTM, and portable computing. Alliance’s advanced circuit design and process techniques permit 3.3V operation without sacrificing performance or operating margins.
AS7C256-20JC absolute maximum ratings: (1)Voltage on VCC relative to GND: -0.5V to +7.0V; (2)Voltage on any pin relative to GND: -0.5V to VCC+0.5V; (3)Power dissipation PD: 1W; (4)Storage temperature TSTG: -65℃ to +150℃; (5)Ambient temperature with VCC applied: -55℃ to +125℃; (6)DC current into outputs (low) IOUT: 20mA.
AS7C256-20JC features: (1)Organization: 262,144 words × 16 bits; (2)High speed: 12/15/20 ns address access time, 5/6/7/9 ns output enable access time; (3)Low power consumption: Active: 660 mW max, Standby: 22 mW max, CMOS DQ; (4)2.0V data retention; (5)Easy memory expansion with CE1, CE2, OE inputs; (6) TTL/LVTTL-compatible, three-state I/O; (7) ESD protection ≥ 2000 volts; (8)Latch-up current > 200 mA.