Product Summary

The as7c31026-20tc is a high-performance CMOS 1,048,576-bit Static Random Access Memory (SRAM) device organized as 65,536 words x 16 bits. The as7c31026-20tc is designed for memory applications where fast data access, low power, and simple interfacing are desired. When CE is high the as7c31026-20tc enters stanby mode. The as7c31026-20tc is guaranteed not to exceed 28mW power consumption in CMOS standby mode. The as7c31026-20tc provides multiple center power and ground pins, and separate byte enable controls, allowing individual bytes to be written and read.


as7c31026-20tc absolute maximum ratings: (1) Voltage on VCC relative to GND Vt1: -0.5 to +5V; (2) Voltage on any pin relative to GND Vt2: -0.5 to VCC +0.5V; (3) Power dissipation PD: 1W; (4) Storage temperature (plastic) TSTG: -65 to +150°C; (5) Ambient temperature with VCC applied Tbias: -55 to +125°C; (6) DC current into outputs (low) IOUT: 20mA.


as7c31026-20tc features: (1) 3.3V version; (2) Industrial and commercial versions; (3) Organization: 65,536 words x 16 bits; (4) Center power and ground pins for low noise; (5) High speed: 5/6/8/10 ns output enable access time; (6) Low power consumption: 396mW/max@12ns (ACTIVE) .


as7c31026-20tc pin assignment