Product Summary

The AS7C4098-12TI is a high performance CMOS 4,194,304-bit Static Random Access Memory(SRAM). The device is organized as 262,144 words × 16 bits. It is designed for memory applications where fast data access, low power, and simple interfacing are desired.


AS7C4098-12TI absolute maximum ratings: (1)Voltage on VCC relative to GND: -0.5V to +7.0V; (2)Voltage on any pin relative to GND: -0.5V to VCC+0.5V; (3)Power dissipation PD: 1W; (4)Storage temperature TSTG: -65℃ to +150℃; (5)Ambient temperature with VCC applied: -55℃ to +125℃; (6)DC current into outputs (low) IOUT: ±20mA.


AS7C4098-12TI features: (1)Organization: 262,144 words × 16 bits; (2)High speed: 10/12/15/20 ns address access time, 5/6/7/8 ns output enable access time; (3)Low power consumption: Active: 1375 mW max, Standby: 110 mW max, CMOS DQ; (4)Easy memory expansion with CE1, CE2, OE inputs; (5) TTL/LVTTL-compatible, three-state I/O; (6) ESD protection ≥ 2000 volts; (7)Latch-up current > 200 mA.


AS7C4098-12TI pin connection