Product Summary
The BTS 723 GW is a mart High-Side Power Switch. The applications of the device include μC compatible high-side power switch with diagnostic feedback for 12V and 24V and 42V grounded loads, All types of resistive, inductive and capacitive loads, Most suitable for inductive loads and Replaces electromechanical relays, fuses and discrete circuits.
BTS 723 GW absolute maximum ratings: (1)Supply voltage, Vbb: 58 V; (2)Supply voltage for full short circuit protection Tj,start = -40 to +150℃, Vbb: 50V; (3)Output Voltage to Vbb, VON: 70 V; (4)Negative voltage slope at output, -dVOUT/dt: 20 V/μs; (5)Load current, IL: IL(LIM)A; (6)Load dump protection, VLoad dump: 70 V; (7)Operating temperature range, Tj: -40 to 150℃; (8)Storage temperature range, Tstg: -55 to +150℃; (9)Power dissipation, Ptot: 3.0W; (10)Maximal switchable inductance, single pulse, ZL: 23.0mH; (11)Electrostatic discharge capability, VESD: 1.0 kV; (12)Input voltage (DC), VIN: ±42 V.
BTS 723 GW features: (1)N channel vertical power MOSFET with charge pump, ground referenced CMOS compatible input and diagnostic feedback, monolithically integrated in Smart SIPMOS 80V technology; (2)Providing embedded protective functions; (3)An array of resistors is integrated in order to reduce the external components.