Product Summary

The CS3310-KP is a complete stereo digital volume control designed specifically for audio systems. It features a 16-bit serial interface that controls two independent, low-distortion audio channels. The CS3310-KP operates from ±5 V supplies and has an input/output voltage range of ±3.75 V.


CS3310-KP absolute maximum ratings: (1)DC Power Supplies: Positive Digital, VD+: -0.3 to VA++0.3V; Positive Analog, VA+: -0.3 to 6.0V; Negative Analog, VA-: 0.3 to -6.0V; (2)Input Current, Any Pin Except Supply, Iin: ±10 mA; (3)Digital Input Voltage, VIND: -0.3 to (VA+) + 0.3 V; (4)Ambient Operating Temperature (power applied), TA: -55 to +125℃; (5)Storage Temperature, TSTG: -65 to +150℃.


CS3310-KP features: (1)Complete Digital Volume Control: 2 Independent Channels; Serial Control; 0.5 dB Step Size; (2)Wide Adjustable Range: -95.5 dB Attenuation; +31.5 dB Gain; (3)Low Distortion & Noise: 0.001% THD+N; 116 dB Dynamic Range; (4)Noise Free Level Transitions; (5)Channel-to-Channel Crosstalk Better Than 110 dB.


 CS3310-KP block diagram