Product Summary

The CY27C256-120JC is a high-performance 32,768-word by 8-bit CMOS EPROM. When disabled (CE HIGH), the CY27C256-45WC automatically powers down into a low-power stand-by mode. The device is packaged in the industry standard 600-mil DIP, PLCC, and TSOP packages. The CY27C256-120JC is also available in a CerDIP package equipped with an erasure window to provide for reprogrammability. When exposed to UV light, the EPROM is erased and can be reprogrammed. The memory cells utilize proven EPROM floating gate technology and byte-wide intelligent programming algorithms.


CY27C256-120JC absolute maximum ratings: (1)Storage Temperature: -65℃ to +150℃; (2)Ambient Temperature with Power Applied: -55℃ to +125℃; (3)Supply Voltage to Ground Potential: -0.5V to +7.0V; (4)DC Voltage Applied to Outputs; (5)in High Z State: -0.5V to +7.0V; (6)DC Input Voltage: -3.0V to +7.0V; (7)DC Program Voltage: 13.0V; (8)Static Discharge Voltage: >2001V (per MIL-STD-883, Method 3015); (9)Latch-Up Current: >200 mA; (10)UV Exposure: 7258 Wsec/cm2.


CY27C256-120JC features: (1)Wide speed range, 45 ns to 200 ns (commercial and military); (2)Low power, 248 mW (commercial); 303 mW (military); (3)Low standby power, less than 83 mW when deselected; (4)±10% Power supply tolerance.


CY27C256-120JC pin connection