Product Summary

The CY62147CV30LL-70BAI is a high-performance CMOS static RAM organized as 256K words by 16 bits. This device features advanced circuit design to provide ultra-low active current. This is ideal for providing More Battery Life (MoBL) in portable applications such as cellular telephones. The device also has an automatic power-down feature that significantly reduces power consumption by 99% when addresses are not toggling. The device can also be put into standby mode when deselected (CE HIGH or both BLE and BHE are HIGH). The input/output pins (I/O0 through I/O15 ) are placed in a high-impedance state when: deselected (CE HIGH), outputs are disabled (OE HIGH), both Byte High Enable and Byte Low Enable are disabled (BHE, BLE HIGH), or during a write operation (CE LOW and WE LOW).


CY62147CV30LL-70BAI absolute maximum ratings: (1)Storage Temperature: -65°C to +150°C; (2)Ambient Temperature with Power Applied: -55°C to +125°C; (3)Supply Voltage to Ground Potential: -0.2V to +2.4V; (4)DC Voltage Applied to Outputs: in High Z State [3] : -0.2V to VCC + 0.2V; DC Input Voltage [3] : -0.2V to VCC + 0.2V; (5)Output Current into Outputs (LOW): 20 mA; (6)Static Discharge Voltage: >2001V (per MIL-STD-883, Method 3015); (7)Latch-Up Current: >200 mA.


CY62147CV30LL-70BAI features: (1)High Speed; 55 ns and 70 ns availability; (2)Low voltage range: CY62147CV18: 1.65V-1.95V; (3)Pin Compatible w/ CY62147V18/BV18; (4)Ultra-low active power: Typical Active Current: 0.5 mA @ f = 1 MHz; Typical Active Current: 2 mA @ f = fmax (70 ns speed); (5)Low standby power; (6)Easy memory expansion with CE and OE features; (7)Automatic power-down when deselected; (8)CMOS for optimum speed/power.


CY62147CV30LL-70BAI pin connection