Product Summary

The DP83959VUL 8-Port Lite Ethernet Repeater Interface Controller (LERIC8) is a single chip solution for unmanaged 10BASE-T Ethernet repeater (hub) products. By integrating electronics needed to support eight 10BASE-T ports, a full level/drive compatible AUI port for a backbone connection, and an internal power on reset circuit, a LERIC8 based design requires only the addition of a few passive components: crystal, transformers, connectors and a power source.


DP83959VUL absolute maximum ratings: (1)Supply Voltage (VCC): -0.5V to 7.0V; (2)DC Input Voltage (VIN): -0.5V to VCC + 0.5V; (3)DC Output Voltage (VOUT): -0.5V to VCC + 0.5V; (4)Power Dissipation (PD): 4.5 W; (5)Storage Temperature Range (TSTG): -65°C to 150°C; (6)Lead Temp. (TL)(Soldering, 10 sec): 260°C; (7)ESD Rating (RZAP = 1.5k, CZAP = 120 pF): 2.0 kV; (8)IIN Input Current VIN = VCC or GND: -1.0 to 1.0 μA.


DP83959VUL features: (1)Fully IEEE 802.3 Ethernet Repeater compliant; (2)Eight IEEE 802.3 10BASE-T compliant ports with on-chip transmit filters; (3)One IEEE 802.3 compatible AUI port; (4)Direct drive status LED outputs; (5)Network traffic level monitor with direct drive LED outputs; (6)Automatic internal power-oreset function. External TTL compatible reset piprovided for device testing if required; (7)Inter-LERIC bus for cascading up to 3 devices oa single board; (8)Register/LED status interface compatible with DP83955/6 LERIC products; (9)Single 20 MHz crystal or external 20 MHz oscillator module operation; (10)Single 5V supply; (11)160 piPQFP package.


DP83959VUL pin connection