Product Summary
The LC723748N is a large-capacity ETR microcontroller that achieves an instruction execution time of 1.33 μs and provide up to 64 KB of ROM and up to 2 KB of RAM. It provides a rich set of on-chip interface circuits, including a 3-channel serial I/O port, and an 8- input 8-bit A/D converter. The LC723748N includes an on-chip high-performance PLL circuit that features an added high-speed lock circuit and can control the C/N characteristics of a local oscillator.
LC723748N absolute maximum ratings: (1)Maximum supply voltage: –0.3 to +6.5 V; (2)Input voltage:–0.3 to +15 V or –0.3 to VDD + 0.3 V; (3)Output voltage: –0.3 to +15 V or –0.3 to VDD + 0.3 V; (4)Output current: 0 to +5 mA; (5)Allowable power dissipation: 400 mW; (6)Operating temperature: –40 to +85 °C; (7)Storage temperature: –45 to +125 °C.
LC723748N features: (1)Up to 32K steps (32,767 x 16 bits); (2)The subroutine area holds 4 K steps (4,096 x 16 bits); (3)Three channels. These circuits can support both 2-wire and 3-wire 8-bit communication techniques, and can be switched between MSB first and LSB first operation; (4)One of six internally generated serial transfer clock rates can be selected: 12.5, 37.5, 187.5, 281.25, 375, and 450 kHz; (5)Seven interrupt inputs (pins INT0 through INT5, and the HOLD pin); (6)These interrupts can be set to switch between rising and falling edges, although the HOLD pin only supports falling edge detection; (7)Seven interrupts; four internal timer interrupts, and three serial I/O interrupts; (8)Includes a sub-charge pump for high-speed locking; (9)Supports dead zone control; (10)Built-in unlock detection circuit; (11)Input ports: 12; (12)Output ports : 4; (13)I/O ports: 62 (These pins can be switched between input and output in 1-bit units.); (14)A/D converter: 8-bit resolution and 8 inputs; (15)Built-in voltage detection reset circuit; (16)External reset pin.