Product Summary

The M59DR008E-100ZB6 is an 8 Mbit (512Kb x16, dual bank, page) low voltage flash memory. The M59DR008E-100ZB6 is organized as 512Kb x16 bits. A0-A18 are the address lines, DQ0-DQ15 are the Data Input/Output. Memory control is provided by Chip Enable E, Output Enable G and Write Enable W inputs. The array matrix organization allows each block to be erased and reprogrammed without affecting other blocks. The device supports asynchronous page mode from all the blocks of the memory array.


M59DR008E-100ZB6 absolute maximum ratings: (1)Supply Voltage: -0.5 to +2.7 V; (2Input Voltage: -0.5 to VDDQ+0.5 V; (3)Output Voltage: -0.5 to VDDQ+0.5 V; (4)Storage Temperature: -55 to +155°C; (5)Program Voltage: -0.5 to 13 V; (6)Temperature Under Bias: -40 to +125°C.


M59DR008E-100ZB6 features: (1)common flash interface (cfi); (2)64 bit security code; (3)erase suspend and resume modes; (4)100,000 program/erase cycles per block; (5)20 years data retention ¨C defectivity below 1ppm/year; (6)all blocks protected at power up; (7)any combination of blocks can be protected; (8)wp for block locking; (9)read within one bank while program or erase within the other; (10)no delay between read and write operations; (11)dual bank memory array: 4 mbit - 4 mbit; (12)parameter blocks (top or bottom location); (13)main blocks; (14)10¦Ìs by word typical; (15)double word programming option.


M59DR008E-100ZB6 pin connection