Product Summary

The NT71206FG-601 is a Host-LCD Display Panel Interface. The NT71206FG-601 transmitter contains four 7-bit parallel-load serial-out registers, a 7x clock synthesizer, and five low-voltage differential (LVDS) line in a single integrated circuit. The NT71206FG-601 transmitter is offered with programmable edge data strobes for convenient interface with a variety of graphic controllers.


NT71206FG-601 absolute maximum ratings: (1)Supply voltage range, VCC (see Note1): -0.3V to 4V; (2)Output voltage range, VO: -0.3V to VCC +0.3V; (3)Input voltage range, VI: -0.3V to Vcc +0.3V; (4)Storage temperature range, Tstg: -65℃ to 150℃; (5)Lead temperature 1, 6 mm (1/16 inch) from case for 10 seconds: 260℃; (6)Junction Temperature: 150℃.


NT71206FG-601 features: (1)28:4 Data Channel Compression at up to 297 Megabytes per Second Throughput; (2)Suited for VGA, SVGA, XGA and Dual pixel SXGA,UXGA Display Data Transmission From Controller to Display With Very Low EMI; (3)28 Data Channels and Clock-In Low-Voltage TTL and 4 Data Channels and Clock-Out Low-Voltage Differential; (4)Operates From a Single 3.3V Supply With 250mW (Typ).


NT71206FG-601 pin connection