Product Summary

The P75NF75 is a power MOSFET. It is therefore suitable as primary switch in advanced high-efficiency, high-frequency isolated DC-DC converters for Telecom and Computer applications. It is also intended for any applications with low gate drive requirements.


P75NF75 absolute maximum ratings: (1)Drain-source Voltage (VGS =0):75V; (2)Drain-gate Voltage (RGS =20kΩ):75V; (3)Gate- source Voltage:±20V; (4)Drain Current (continuous) at TC =25℃: 75A; (5)Drain Current (continuous) at TC = 100℃:70A; (6)Drain Current (pulsed):300A; (7)Total Dissipation at TC =25℃:300W; (8)Derating Factor:2W/℃; (9)Peak Diode Recovery voltage slope:20V/ns; (10)Single Pulse Avalanche Energy: 680mJ; (11)Storage Temperature:-55℃ to 175℃; (12)Max. Operating Junction Temperature:-55℃ to 175℃.


P75NF75 features: (1)typical RDS(on) = 0.01Ω; (2)exceptional dv/dt capability; (3)100% avalanche tested; (4)application oriented characterization.


P75NF75 block diagram