Product Summary

The SAA7220PB is a stereo interpolating digita filter designed for the compact disc digital audio system. For descriptive purposes, the SAA7220PB is referred to as the B-chip.


SAA7220PB absolute maximum ratings: (1)supply voltage range: -0.5 to 7.0V; (2)maximum input voltage range: -0.5 to VDD+0.5V; (3)storage temperature range: -55 to +125°C; (4)operating ambient temperature range: -20 to +70°C; (5)electrostativ handling: -1000 to +1000V.


SAA7220PB features: (1)16-bit serial data input; (2)interpolated data replaces arroneous data samples; (3)-12dB attenuation via the active low attenuation input control; (4)smoothed trsnsitions before and after muting; (5)digital audio output of 32-bit words transmitted in biphase-mark code.


SAA7220PB block diagram