Product Summary
The XCB56362PV100 is a 24-Bit Audio Digital Signal Processor. The XCB56362PV100 supports digital audio applications requiring sound field processing, acoustic equalization, and other digital audio algorithms. The XCB56362PV100 uses the high performance, single-clock-per-cycle DSP56300 core family of programmable CMOS digital signal processors (DSPs) combined with the audio signal processing capability of the Freescale Symphony DSP family.
XCB56362PV100 absolute maximum ratings: (1)Supply Voltage VCC: -0.3 to +4.0 V; (2)VIN GND: -0.3 to VCC + 0.3 V; (3)VIN5 GND: - 0.3 to VCC + 3.95 V; (4)Current drain per pin excluding VCC and GND I: 10 mA; (5)Operating temperature range TJ: -40 to +105 °C; (6)Storage temperature TSTG: -55 to +125 °C.
XCB56362PV100 features: (1)100 Million Instructions Per Second (MIPS)with an 100 MHz clock at 3.3V; (2)Object Code Compatible with the 56000 core; (3)Data ALU with a 24 × 24 bit multiplier-accumulator and a 56-bit barrel shifter. 16-bit arithmetic support; (4)Program Control with position independent code support and instruction cache support; (5)Six-channel DMA controller; (6)PLL based clocking with a wide range of frequency multiplications (1 to 4096), predivider factors; (7)(1 to 16)and power saving clock divider (2i: i = 0 to 7). Reduces clock noise; (8)Internal address tracing support and OnCE™ for Hardware/Software debugging; (9)JTAG port; (10)Very low-power CMOS design, fully static design with operating frequencies down to DC; (11)STOP and WAIT low-power standby modes.