Product Summary
The 74ABT244A is an Octal Buffer/Line Driver with 3-STATE Outputs. It is designed to be employed as a memory and address driver, clock driver, or bus-oriented transmitter/receiver.
74ABT244A absolute maximum ratings: (1)Storage Temperature: -65℃ to 150℃; (2)Ambient Temperature under Bias: -55℃ to 125℃; (3)Junction Temperature under Bias: -55℃ to 150℃; (4)VCC Pin Potential to Ground Pin: -0.5V to 7.0V; (5)Input Voltage: -0.5V to 7.0V; (6)Input Current: -3 mA to 5.0mA; (7)Voltage Applied to Any Output in the Disabled or Power-Off State: -0.5V to 5.5V; (8)in the HIGH State: -0.5V to VCC; (9)Current Applied to Output in LOW State (Max): twice the rated IOL (mA); (10)DC Latchup Source Current: -500mA; (11)Over Voltage Latchup (I/O: 10V.
74ABT244A features: (1)Non-inverting buffers; (2)Output sink capability of 64 mA, source capability of 32mA; (3)Guaranteed output skew; (4)Guaranteed multiple output switching specifications; (5)Output switching specified for both 50 pF and 250 pF loads; (6)Guaranteed simultaneous switching, noise level and dynamic threshold performance; (7)Guaranteed latchup protection; (8)High impedance glitch free bus loading during entire power up and power down cycle; (9)Nondestructive hot insertion capability; (10)Disable time less than enable time to avoid bus contention.