Product Summary
The AM29LV065DU-90RWHI is a 64Mbit, 3.0 Volt (3.0 V to 3.6 V) single power supply flash memory device, which is organized as 8,388,608 bytes. Data appears on DQ0-DQ7. The AM29LV065DU-90RWHI is designed to be programmed in-system with the standard system 3.0 volt VCC supply. A 12.0 volt VPP is not required for program or erases operations. The AM29LV065DU-90RWHI can also be programmed in standard EPROM programmers. The accelerated program (ACC) feature allows the system to program the device at a much faster rate. When ACC is pulled high to VHH, the device enters the Unlock Bypass mode, enabling the user to reduce the time needed to do the program operation. This feature is intended to increase factory throughput during system production, but may also be used in the field if desired.
AM29LV065DU-90RWHI absolute maximum ratings: (1)Plastic Packages: –65℃ to +150℃; (2)Ambient Temperature with Power Applied: –65℃ to +125℃; (3)Voltage with Respect to Ground: VCC: –0.5 V to +4.0 V, VIO: –0.5 V to +5.5 V, A9, OE#, ACC, and RESET#: –0.5 V to +12.5 V, All other pins: –0.5 V to VCC +0.5 V; (4) Output Short Circuit Current: 200mA.
AM29LV065DU-90RWHI features: (1)Single power supply operation: 3.0 to 3.6 volt read, erase, and program operations; (2)VersatileIOTM control: Device generates output voltages and tolerates input voltages on the DQ I/Os as determined by the voltage on VIO input; (3)High performance: Access times as fast as 90 ns; (4)Manufactured on 0.23 μm process technology; (5)CFI (Common Flash Interface) compliant: Provides device-specific information to the system, allowing host software to easily reconfigure for different Flash devices; (6)SecSi (Secured Silicon) Sector region: 256-byte sector for permanent, secure identification through an 16-byte random Electronic Serial Number, May be programmed and locked at the factory or by the customer, Accessible through a command sequence.