Product Summary
The AT76C113P is a High-Performance Digital Media Processor.
AT76C113P absolute maximum ratings: (1)Voltage rating: 3.3V; (2)12 to 48MHz.
AT76C113P features: (1)Advanced RISC Architecture, 130 Powerful Instructions, Most Single Clock Cycle Execution; (2)JTAG (IEEE Std. 1149.1 Compliant) Interface; (3)Clock Generator Provides CPU Rates up to 48MHz; (4)Only One External Clock Crystal of 12 MHz Can Generate All the Required System Clocks.; (5)Two On-chip 16550 UARTs Supporting Baud Rates up to 921 Kbaud; (6)On-chip Bootstrap ROM Provides a Variety of Firmware Upgrade Modes; (7)DMA Channels Allow Fast Data Transfers between Endpoint Buffers and Internal or External SRAM (DMA Transfer Rate is 12 MHz for All Channels); (8)8K x 16 bits (up to 11K x 16 bits), In-System SRAM for Program Code (Program Memory); (9)On-Chip 8 Kbytes SRAM for Data and Variables ( 2, 4, and 8 Kbytes can be Remapped for Program Storage in the Address Area Above the Program Memory); (10)Two 8-bit Timer/Counters; (11)One 16-bit Timer/Counter; (12)Two External interrupts Through GPIOs; (13)Programmable Watchdog Timer; (14)Low voltage operation; (15)Low cost 64-pin TQFP Package, Suitable for USB-to-UART Bridge Applications.