Product Summary
The BGB203/S01 is a bluetooth system-in-a-package radio with baseband controller. The BGB203/S01 combines the bluetooth RF part, protocol stack link controller (LC), link manager (LM), and host controller interface (HCI) firmware of the bluetooth system specificacion in one SiP with embedded software. Together with an antenna and a reference clock thE BGB203/S01 forms a complete Bluetoodi solution. In most cases this SiP will be attached to a host, for example a GSM baseband controller or a PC processor. The BGB203/S01 is designed to be used for wireless links operating in the globally available ISM band, between 2402 and 2480 MHz. The radio part is composed of a fully integrated, state-of-the-art near-zero-IF transceiver chip, an antenrta filter for out-of-band blocking, a TX/KX switch, TX and RX baluns, and a basic amount of supply decoupling. Applications are (1)Cellphones, smartphones; (2)Computing applications (PC, notebook, PDA); (3)Cellular accessortes (bluetooth headsets).
BGB203/S01 absolute maximum ratings: (1)VDDRF, RF supply voltage: -0.5 to +3.6 V; (2)VDDIORF, RF BB interface supply voltage: -0.5 to +2.5 V; (3)VDDC / VDDIO1, core & I/O 1 supply voltage: -0.5 to +2.5 V; (4)VDDIO2, I/O 2 supply voltage: -0.5 to +4.6 V; (5)VDDC, core supply voltage: -0.5 to +2.5 V; (6)VDDO / VDDA, oscillator & analog supply voltage: -0.5 to +2.5 V; (7)VPINIOx, input voltage on any VDDIOx pin with respect to VSS: -0.5 VDDIOx +0.5 V; (8)VPINIO5V, input voltage on 5V tolerant pins with respect to VSS: -0.5 to 6.0 V; (9)II, input current through any pin (except supply pins): 1 mA; (10)Tamb, ambient temperature: -30 to +85 ℃; (11)Tstg, storage temperature: -40 to +125 ℃.
BGB203/S01 features: (1)Bluetooth burst mode controller driver; (2)Link controller (LC); (3)Link manager (LM); (4)Host controller interface (HCI); (5)Interface drivers; (6)Voice processing.