Product Summary
The JS28F640J3D-75 is an Embedded Flash Memory. It provides improved mainstream performance with enhanced security features, taking advantage of the high quality and reliability of the NOR-based Intel 0.13 µm ETOX VIIIprocess technology. Offered in 256-Mbit, 128-Mbit, 64-Mbit, and 32-Mbit densities, the JS28F640J3D-75D brings reliable, low-voltage capability (3 V read, program, and erase) with high speed, low-power operation. The JS28F640J3D-75 takes advantage of proven manufacturing experience and is ideal for code and data applications where high density and low cost are required, such as in networking, telecommunications, digital set top boxes, audio recording, and digital imaging.Numonyx Flash Memory components also deliver a new generation of forward-compatible software support.
JS28F640J3D-75 absolute maximum ratings: (1)Temperature under Bias Expanded (TA, Ambient): –40 to +85℃; (2)Storage Temperature: –65 to +125℃; (3)VCC Voltage: –2.0 to +5.6 V; (4)VCCQ: –2.0 to +5.6 V; (5)Voltage on any input/output signal (except VCC, VCCQ): –2.0 to VCCQ (max) + 2.0 V; (6)ISH Output Short Circuit Current: 100 mA.
JS28F640J3D-75 features: (1)75 ns Initial Access Speed (32,64,128 Mbit densities); (2)95 ns Initial Access Speed (256Mbit only); (3)25 ns 8-word and 4-word Asynchronous page-mode reads; (4)32-Byte Write buffer; 4 μs per Byte Effective programming time; (5)Enhanced security options for code protection; (6)128-bit Protection Register: 64-bits Unique device identifier bits; 64-bits User-programmable OTP bits; (7)Absolute protection with VPEN = GND; (8)Individual block locking; (9)Block erase/program lockout during power transitions.