Product Summary
The TDA9582H/N3/3/1827 is a TV signal processor-Teletext decoder. The TDA9582H/N3/3/1827 combines the functions of a video processor together with a m-Controller and US Closed Caption decoder. Several versions have a Teletext decoder on board. The Teletext decoder has an internal RAM memory for 1or 10 page text. The device is intended to be used in economy television receivers with 90° and 110° picture tubes. The TDA9582H/N3/3/1827 has supply voltages of 8 V and 3.3 V and they are mounted in an S-DIP 64 envelope.
TDA9582H/N3/3/1827 absolute maximum ratings: (1)VP supply voltage: -9 V; (2)VDD supply voltage (all digital supplies): -0.5 to 5.0 V; (3)VI digital inputs: -0.5 to VDD+ 0.5 V; (4)VO digital outputs: -0.5 to VDD+ 0.5 V; (5)IO output current (each output): ±10 mA; (6)IIOK DC input or output diode current: ±20 mA; (7)Tstg storage temperature: -25 to +150℃; (8)Tamb operating ambient temperature: 0 to 70℃; (9)Tsol soldering temperature for 5 s: 260℃; (10)Tj operating junction temperature: 150℃; (11)Ves electrostatic handling HBM; all pins; notes 2 and 3: -2000 to +2000 V; (12)MM; all pins; notes 2 and 4: -300 to +300 V.
TDA9582H/N3/3/1827 features: (1)Multi-standard vision IF circuit with alignment-free PLL; (2)demodulator; (3)Internal (switchable) time-constant for the IF-AGC circuit; (4)A choice can be made between versions with mono intercarrier sound FM demodulator and versions with QSS IF amplifier. In the QSS versions without East-West output an AM/FM mode can be activated. In that case both the QSS amplifier (for AM demodulation) and the FM demodulator are available; (5)The mono intercarrier sound circuit has a selective FM-PLL demodulator which can be switched to the different FM sound frequencies (4.5/5.5/6.0/6.5 MHz). The quality of this system is such that the external band-pass filters can be omitted; (6)The FM-PLL demodulator can be set to centre frequencies of 4.74/5.74 MHz so that a second sound channel can be demodulated. In such an application it is necessary that an external bandpass filter is inserted. The QSS amplifier and mono intercarrier sound circuit of some versions can be used for the demodulation of FM radio signals; (7)Source selection between the ‘internal’ CVBS and one external CVBS or Y/C signal; (8)Integrated chrominance trap circuit; (9)Integrated luminance delay line with adjustable delay time; (10)Picture improvement features with peaking (with switchable centre frequency, depeaking, variable positive/negative overshoot ratio and video dependent coring) and blue- and black stretching.