Product Summary

The UPD70433GJ-16-3EB is a microprocessor in which a 16-bit CPU, RAM, serial interface, parallel interface, A/D converter, timers, DMA controller, interrupt controller, etc., are integrated in a single chip. The UPD70433GD-16 provides a migration path from the V25. It offers higher-level functions and higher performance. The UPD70433GJ-16-3EB is particularly suitable for control of data processing systems associated with mechanical control, including printer and facsimile. Applications include: Control of data processing systems using serial or parallel communication(Data processing terminals, printer, G3 facsimile, etc.).


UPD70433GJ-16-3EB absolute maximum ratings: (1)Supply voltage VDD: –0.5 to +7.0 V; AVDD: –0.5 to VDD + 0.5 V; AVSS: –0.5 to +0.5 V; AVREF: –0.5 to AVDD + 0.3 V; (2)Input voltage VI: –0.5 to VDD + 0.5 V; (3)Output voltage VO: –0.5 to VDD + 0.5 V; (4)Output current low IOL One pin: 4.0 mA; Total of all pins: 100 mA; (5)Output current high IOH One pin: –1.0 mA; Total of all pins: –20 mA; (6)Operating ambient temperature TA: –40 to +85 ℃; (7)Storage temperature Tstg: –65 to +150 ℃.


UPD70433GJ-16-3EB features: (1)Internal 16-bit architecture, selectable external data bus width (16/8 bits); (2)Software compatible with V20 and V30 (native mode) and V25 and V35 (includes additional instructions); (3)Register file space (in on-chip RAM) : 512 bytes/16 register banks; (4)I/O space : 64K bytes; (5)Automatic wait control with memory space divided in variable sizes (max. 6 blocks); (6)I/O line (input ports: 11 bits, input/output ports: 42 bits); (7)DMA controller (DMAC): Max. 4-channel configuration possible; (8)A/D converter (8 bits): 4 channels; (9)Real-time output port: 4 bits × 2 channels or 8 bits × 1 channel; (10)PMW (Pulse Width Modulation) output function: 8 bits.


UPD70433GJ-16-3EB block diagram