Product Summary
The MIG20J503H is an intelligent power module suitable for Inverter air conditioners and PWM carrier frequency 3 kHz.
MIG20J503H absolute maximum ratings: (1)Supply Voltage, VCC: 450 V; (2)Supply Voltage (Surge), VCC (surge): 500 V; (3)Collector Emitter Voltage, VCES: 600 V; (4)Collector Current, ±IC: 20 A; (5)Collector Current (Peak), ±ICP: 40 A; (6)Collector Power Dissipation, PC: 50 W; (7)Junction Temperature, Tj: 150℃.
MIG20J503H features: (1)Maximum Rating, VCES=600 V, IC=20 A; (2)Control IC; (3)High voltage IC×3 low voltage IC×1; (4)5-V system CMOS/correspond to TTL; (5)Single power supply driving bootstrap circuit; (6)Over current protection: only low-side arm; (7)Short circuit protection: high and low-side arms; (8)RTC: high and low-side arms; (9)Over temperature protection: only low-side arm; (10)Power supply under voltage protection: high and low-side arms; (11)Fault signal output: In case of abnormal status of low-side arm.